Enkishon emaa Update

Good news has come through from my friend Joseph Suyia who runs Enkisho emaa Welfare, a small NGO dedicated to helping the needs of the people of Maasai Land in Kenya. For the back ground information on the injured man pictured, please go to the Education Care Project FB page by clicking on this link
The latest news is very encouraging as John has survived the first operation and will soon begin to have skin grafts. My interest in this case is not only because he is a desperate man in need but he is also the Father of young children who will need to be educated one day and they need him! Thank you to the two kind people who have donated towards the cost of the medical treatment already but I am thinking that we will need more. If you feel that you could help then please do so. If you do not need a tax receipt you may donate at any Westpac Branch into the Education Care Projects – Kenya Account BSB BSB 032539 Account No.438897 BUT If you would like to receive a tax receipt then please click on the link below and fill in the details required and a receipt will be emailed to you.

Thank you so very much for helping to give help to this poor man.

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